Corporate Plan Issues Paper

We are now seeking your views on an Issues Paper which has been prepared as part of developing a Corporate Plan and Business Plan for the Irish Planning Institute. The closing date for comments is Friday 8th February 2013.

To read the Issues Paper online click here

To download the Issues Paper click here

For the purposes of the Issues Paper topics are placed within 9 key strategic headings:

  1. Role of the Profession and the Institute
  2. Structure
  3. Membership
  4. Members’ Services
  5. Policy and Influence
  6. Communications
  7. Education and Professional Development
  8. Research and Publications
  9. Employment and Emerging Opportunities

The Issues Paper is based on analysis carried out by the Corporate Plan Steering Group, along with the results of submissions to the Group to date, interviews with past presidents, and the results of the comprehensive survey conducted in December 2012.

To plan for the future of your Institute, we would ask all Members to engage with the process and provide comments, suggestions, analysis or feedback.

Comments and submissions can be sent by email or by post or made by telephone to the following by Friday 8th February 2013

Email: Post: Irish Planning Institute,Floor 3,The Courtyard,25 Great Strand Street,Dublin 1 Telephone: 01 878 8630 Name of Link

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